How would one get a --nogpgcheck option to yum via puppet? I've tried

package { 'unsigned-package':
  ensure          => latest,
  install_options => ['--nogpgcheck'],


package { 'unsigned-package':
  ensure          => latest,
  install_options => ['nogpgcheck'],

but looking at the output from an agent run, yum isn't getting that option.

As an aside (and maybe the reason it's not working for me), how do I verify my puppet has the install_options feature?

I'm running puppet 3.3.0-rc2.

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  • About to break down a [gpg sign the rpms](http://systembash.com/content/simple-guide-to-signing-rpms-with-fpm/). I'd rather do that than come up with the ruby code to extend puppet, or some exec-based workaround in the manifest. – quickshiftin Oct 02 '13 at 20:40

3 Answers3


I have found that with puppet 3.7.1 passing 'install_options' to the yum provider works. I was able to successfully pass '--nogpgcheck' using it. Just update your puppet now.

  • Nice, they must have gotten it in there on a later rev. I'll take your word for it, since I haven't done much puppet work lately. – quickshiftin Oct 27 '14 at 17:26

I've been able to answer my second question, and it looks like install_options is not implemented for yum on 3.3.0-rc2.

$ grep -ro install_options /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/ | sort | uniq

And an answer to the real question, since this is a custom repository, the trick was to disable gpg checks. This can be done in the instantiation of the puppet yumrepo type, as in

yumrepo { 'customrepo':
  gpgcheck => 0,

Another option, as stated in my comment beneath the question would be to gpg sign the packages.

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As of puppet 3.4.0

 class pkgoptions {

        package { 'strace':
          ensure          => 'installed',
          provider        => 'yum',
          install_options => [ '--noplugins', '--enablerepo=fedora' ],
          # or install_options => [ '-t', 'squeeze-backports' ], for Debian backports


Reference: http://www.unixdaemon.net/tools/puppet/puppet-package-install-options.html

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  • This is a patch and is not available in the regular package, I'm running 3.5.1 and install_options still doesn't work for yum. See quickshiftin's answer – Thomas B in BDX Jun 26 '14 at 19:10