If I own a domain do I own all of its sub domains?
For example if I purchase example.com, do I automatically own mail.example.com, blog.example.com, etc?
If I do not own the sub domains, can anyone buy mail.example.com if I own example.com? Do I have a right of first sale if someone tries to buy one of my sub domains?
Finally, do the answers to the above questions apply to all domains in all TLDs, like .org, .net, .ca, .name, etc?
Thank you.
EDIT: According to the .name agreement registration restrictions at
an individual can register a .name domain only if the domain matches the eligibility requirements. There are several eligibility requirements, one of which is that a .name domain must be the real name or identifier of an individual. So, for example, firstname.lastname.name and firstnamelastname.name are both valid. However, lastname.name is not valid because it does not identify an individual. If I registered lastname.name, someone else could mount a challenge based on the eligibility requirements and register otherfirstname.lastname.name. So I do not in fact control the sub domains.
Am I reading that right? Are there similar restrictions on ownership of subdomains in other TLDs?