Among other things, I have the following in my delegated zone file (note, domain is NOT rwasphost.com)...

;  Zone NS records

@                       NS  dns1.rwasphost.com.
dns1.rwasphost.com.     A
@                       NS  dns2.rwasphost.com.
dns2.rwasphost.com.     A

WITH the A records, Microsoft DNS server "knows" that each NS points to the specified A... without the A records, Microsoft DNS server "figures out" what IP each NS points to (in the SOA, under "Name Servers", if the A's are undefined, the IP address has an asterisk indicating "* represents an IP address retrieved as the result of a DNS query and may not represent actual records stored on this server".)

Is there ANY reason to keep these A records? I'm trying to migrate my DNS servers, and it seems to me that if all my zones specify NS records, and their corresponding A records, then I'll have more A's to manage when I migrate.

I'd much prefer to remove the A's as follows:

;  Zone NS records

@                       NS  dns1.rwasphost.com.
@                       NS  dns2.rwasphost.com.

Is the above still good?

Sander Steffann
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1 Answers1


If your domain is not rwasphost.com and you are not the parent domain of rwasphost.com (which you obviously aren't since you don't run .com) then you don't need the glue records. So your second example is fine.

Sander Steffann
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