You're Doing It Wrong.
I'm pinging a web-service to start a background job at fixed interval times - exactly every 15 minutes of the hour 00:15, 00:30 etc. So I ping a PHP script that determines if it's time to run, and runs if so
Which means what you really want to do is Run a task exactly every 15 minutes of the hour
You should be using cron
for this, but not the way you're thinking. You want to either:
- Create a crontab entry like
*/15 * * * * /command-to-run
on the server where you want the job to run.
or alternatively
- Create a crontab entry like
*/15 * * * * wget http://script-to-start
on some remote server with a reliable clock.
(If */15
isn't what you want 15,30,45
probably is -- that excludes the top of the hour).
Refer to any decent crontab(5)
man page for more details.