
I am trying to craft a custom XML / Xpath filter to the Windows Event Log viewer to exclude the countless "SYSTEM" Logons from the security log's view. I have managed to get this far with the help of the Technet blog on XML filtering:

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">
      *[EventData[Data[@Name='TargetUserSid'] and  (Data!='S-1-5-18')]]

But against all expectations I still have events like this one (among others, of course) in the view:

<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}" />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-07-18T15:12:55.797049800Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="496" ThreadID="3028" />
    <Security />
    <Data Name="SubjectUserSid">S-1-0-0</Data>
    <Data Name="SubjectUserName">-</Data>
    <Data Name="SubjectDomainName">-</Data>
    <Data Name="SubjectLogonId">0x0</Data>
    <Data Name="TargetUserSid">S-1-5-18</Data>
    <Data Name="TargetUserName">SBS$</Data>
    <Data Name="TargetDomainName">DOMAIN</Data>
    <Data Name="TargetLogonId">0x684af79a</Data>
    <Data Name="LogonType">3</Data>
    <Data Name="LogonProcessName">Kerberos</Data>
    <Data Name="AuthenticationPackageName">Kerberos</Data>
    <Data Name="WorkstationName">
    <Data Name="LogonGuid">{9D5E970C-928D-E3FD-8D96-09044670F33E}</Data>
    <Data Name="TransmittedServices">-</Data>
    <Data Name="LmPackageName">-</Data>
    <Data Name="KeyLength">0</Data>
    <Data Name="ProcessId">0x0</Data>
    <Data Name="ProcessName">-</Data>
    <Data Name="IpAddress">fe80::cc18:cb50:1710:c2a7</Data>
    <Data Name="IpPort">6413</Data>

I have trouble understanding why an event with the TargetUserSid attribute of S-1-5-18 has been included in the view while it should not be. It works in the other direction too - if I define the filter to be *[EventData[Data[@Name='TargetUserSid'] and (Data='S-1-5-18')]], I see events with a different TargetUserSid "slipping through".

Chosing a different (long) SID from a domain object seems to work as expected and gives me a view with the events having TargetUserSid set accordingly only.

I also tried filtering on other attributes like TargetUserName, but only to encounter similar problems.

Any hints on how to fix my query or working examples of similar cases greatly appreciated.

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2 Answers2


Try this:

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4608)]]</Select>
    <Suppress Path="Security">*[EventData[Data[@Name="TargetUserSid"] = "S-1-5-18"]]</Suppress>
Greg Askew
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I have observed the same on Windows 10 Desktop OS. A specific query like below, instead of giving specified events, results in all the process creation events. However, the same query works well in Server 2012 OS.

 <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
   <Select Path="Security">
        *[EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName'] and (Data='C:\Windows\System32\process0.exe'  or Data='C:\Windows\System32\process1.exe' or Data='C:\Windows\process2.exe')]]

My workaround is to separate the search attribute values, something like this:

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">
        (*[EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName'] ='C:\Windows\System32\process0.exe']] 
         *[EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName'] ='C:\Windows\process1.exe']]
         *[EventData[Data[@Name='NewProcessName'] = 'C:\Windows\process2.exe']])
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