I am very new to VMware and its setup. Recently, my company purchased a Dell R420 server which has VMware eSXi 5.1 factory installed. It comes with 2 LOM NIC ports at the rear and from the Dell brochure it says:
LOM 1 - VMWare management network LOM 2 - Virtual machine networkx
During the hardware installation on the rack, I was asked which NIC do I want to connect the ethernet cable to. This ethernet cable is connected to a router which provides access to the public internet. Let's call this Router A.
So my guess is to connect the second NIC port (LOM 2) so that my CentOS VMs can have internet access and also be remotely accessed.
And to create/manage the VMs, I am using vSphere Client. For this, I connected the first NIC port (LOM 1) to Router A as well. I then connected my laptop with vSphere to Router A and was able to access VMware eSXi.
Now the questions are:
- Can I still manage the VMware eSXi remotely if only LOM 2 is connected to Router A?
- Is it ok if I plug in both LOM 1 and LOM 2 to Router A?
- How can I just use one LOM or NIC port and still be able to access VMware eSXi and also the CentOS VMs? If yes, how should I set the management network IPs inside eSXi vs the CentOS VMs?
Appreciate any suggestions :)