I have two machines, both with CentOS 6.4 installed, connected on the same private network.
One of them has the purpose of being a NFS server, and the other it's client.
On the server machine (server) I exported the directory /net/directory
by adding the line to the /etc/exports
/net/directory *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
With the service started, I went to the client and add mount point to /etc/fstab
server:/net/directory /client/directory nfs defaults 0 0
And then mounted
# mount /client/directory
The problem is that when I create a new file/directory inside the mounted point from the client, that file is going be mapped as nobody:nobody
when created as an unknown user of the server side.
Here's an example (for clarification)
On the client side only there is an user and group with the same name called testuser
- username: testuser
- UID: 1001
- GID: 1001
On the client side I create a file as testuser
[testuser@client ~]# touch /client/directory/test
Then I list the directory content
[testuser@client ~]# ls -l /client/directory
total 0
-rw-r--r--. 1 nobody nobody 0 Jul 2 16:46 test
But on the server side everything is as expected:
[root@earth ~]# ls -l /net/directory
total 0
-rw-r--r--. 1 1001 1001 0 Jul 2 16:46 test
I want the same result on the client side:
- the file must be with UID:GID as 1001:1001
What am I doing wrong? Is this a server or client issue?
I searched around several NFS manuals, and nothing is helping me.
Does anyone knows how can I do this (without creating the user on the server side)?
Thank you.