Is there any linux command to extracts all the ascii strings from an executable or other binary file? I suppose I could do it with a grep, but I remember hearing somewhere that such a command existed?

Ethan Heilman
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5 Answers5


The command you are looking for is strings

Its name is quite self-explanatory, it retrieves any printable string from a given file.

man strings gives:


strings - find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file

strings [ - ] [ -a ] [ -o ] [ -t format ] [ -number ] [ -n number ] [--] [file ...]

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  • In some use cases, white space, including newlines, is considered "ascii". GNU `strings` option `-w` (`--include-all-whitespace`) might help in those cases. – Rainer Blome Jan 13 '22 at 12:48
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    awesome! I didn't know such command existed. Now I can finally grep files containing a mixture of text and non-printable data. – user1593842 Jan 13 '22 at 17:51

The strings command is the way to go for this particular type of problems. Sometimes you also have to pipe it out to grep.

For example:

strings somebinaryfile | grep textuwanttofind
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The command does exist, and is called.... strings!

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A problem with using strings is that you don't see surrounding non printables and you have to be careful with the minimum string length.

A problem using

od -c FILE
hexdump -C FILE
is that a sequence can be difficult to find if it wraps a line.

Something I like a lot for this is ZTreeWin running in WINE on Linux - you can do a lot with it but the searching in any file or editing binaries can be particularly useful.

The awesome ytree package is available for many Linux and Unix variants and has a good Hex dump view of any file but doesn't have the search that ZTreeWin (and its 16bit predecessor, XTree) have.

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The od command can do this:

od -c *filename*
Kyle Brandt
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    yeah, that does extract the ASCII characters, but it's not really the strings, per se. I think that 'strings' is more useful for the majority of cases. – user5336 Aug 07 '09 at 15:07
  • Ya, didn't know about that command, but I do now! AlberT got my '+1' :-) – Kyle Brandt Aug 07 '09 at 15:20