OS Version:

CentOS release 4.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m 2.6.9-100.ELsmp


When I run qdel i get the following error:

qdel: Unknown Job Id 20432.scyld.localdomain


Output of qstat -n:

head0.localdomain: Req'd Req'd Elap Job ID Username Queue Jobname
SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time

20432.head0.localdom USERNAME standard pc-iw-1 32729 1 128 -- 72:00 R 00:23 n39/5+n39/4+n39/3+n39/2+n39/1+n39/0

Content of /var/spool/torque/server_name'


Question Why do I get the error?

1 Answers1


I know this is an old question, but here is the answer for posterity:

The problem is that your /etc/hosts file has a different first hostname than your server_name file. Your server_name file has scyld.localdomain, and your /etc/hosts has your hostname as head0.localdomain. If you run qdel 20432.head0.localdomain, the command will work.

The solution is to change your /etc/hosts file, so that the first entry is:     scyld.localdomain

Everything after those characters is unimportant. If you also want the host to be known as head0.localdomain, you can just add that entry after scyld.localdomain on the same line.

I hope this helps someone out.

Mike Dacre
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