We run a 14TB XFS fileserver on our cluster and want to add quota support. This is running 3.9.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 kernel under CentOS 6.3 (Final).
The issue is when we unmount the XFS RAID, and re-mount it adding quota support, the mount command hangs. Sever IS responsive and the XFS mount point is not accessible. Reverting our changes in /etc/fstab to remove the quota options does not have mount hang.
I suspect that upon re-mount, XFS is running a quota check on the 14TB RAID. My question is: how do I disable the initial quota check so it can mount it properly and have quota check run in the background?
/dev/sdb /w1 xfs defaults,noatime,usrquota,grpquota 1 2
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Mounting Filesystem
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Ending clean mount
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Quotacheck needed: Please wait.
I do not mind high CPU usage or slow performance while the mount point is active, but having it unavailable is not an option we would like stick with. I suspect running quota check on 14TB would take roughly a full work day.