I'm having a hell of a time configuring a Cisco 837. All I want is to set it up to forward port 22 to an internal IP. I've got that going, so I can ssh into the internal server. However, if I try to ssh from the internal server into my external IP address, I somehow end up at the login for the router itself.
me@remote$ ssh user@mydomain.com
user@mydomain.com's password:
# Log in successfully
me@local$ ssh user@mydomain.com
* Default router banner *
What's going on here? I know I can run ssh on a different port on the internal server to get around this issue, but why is it happening?
More info - I also have a port forwarded to a local webserver. Accessing it remotely works as expected - I get mydomain.com/index.html. Accessing it locally goes to the router's web login. If I execute 'no ip http server' then try to connect, I get 'Failed to Connect'.