I'm having a problem running a custom PS script I created to attach systems into the console.

My PS script works when i'm running it interactively in the DPM Management Shell.

I was referencing this site: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/dpmpowershell/thread/ef802ac3-b5c8-4b8d-a29b-8d4a24bd3eca/

I have been testing the script in cmd.

Connect-DPMServer : Unable to connect to contoso-dpm01.fake.com. (ID:948)
Verify that the DPM service is running on this computer.
At C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012\DPM\DPM\bin\Attach-ProductionS
erver.ps1:49 char:31

The script is a a simple one that passes computer names to the Attach-ProductionServer.ps1

Thanks for reading. -Paul

Here's my script:

param([string] $DPMServerName, [string] $PSFileList)

       $DPMServerName = "contoso-dpm01.fake.com"

       $PSFileList = "\\Share1\DPM_LOGS.txt"

$UserName =  "`$DomAdmin"
$pwd = "Password"
$Domain = "fake.com"
$installPath = (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Setup" "UIInstallPath").UIInstallPath
$dpmModuleFullPath = $installPath + "Modules\DataProtectionManager\DataProtectionManager.psd1"
Import-Module $dpmModuleFullPath

type $PSFileList | foreach -process {
    if (!$_.Equals(""))
        .\Attach-ProductionServer.ps1 -DPMServerName $DPMServerName -PSName $_  -Username $UserName -    Password $pwd -domain $Domain
# Get the date
$DateStamp = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%y@%H-%M"
rename-item $PSFileList $DateStamp
Paul Mung
  • 11
  • 3
  • Are you trying to connect to a DPMServer called `contoso.com`? Using a sample script? Or did you deliberately set in that name for the sake of obscurity? – Mathias R. Jessen May 31 '13 at 18:08
  • I set that in the name :D Management would be unhappy if my FQDN was published – Paul Mung May 31 '13 at 21:00
  • But, is it the FQDN of the DPM Server? Or the name of a client/agent computer? Could you post your script? – Mathias R. Jessen Jun 03 '13 at 22:10
  • The script will read a txt file that is populated with the computer names. It will pass each computer name through the loop and attach all systems to DPM. I have confirmed that this works when i run it from DPM-Management Shell – Paul Mung Jun 04 '13 at 04:21
  • So, the script works when you run it interactively. How are you running it when it fails? Via scheduled task? What security context is it running under? – Doug Luxem Jun 06 '13 at 02:15
  • In my experience, this is a UAC issue. The script needs elevation to complete successfully. – Kieran Walsh Apr 08 '14 at 08:44

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