OS Version: CentOS release 4.6 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m 2.6.9-100.ELsmp

When I attempt to run a job it gives me the error as follows.

qsub: Bad UID for job execution

I have created a fresh user account and the same error occurs, yet other users on the same machine can run jobs without a problem.

How can I fix this issue?

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5 Answers5


Instructions here: http://www.bo.infn.it/alice/introgrd/pbsabout/node18.html suggest that you are running it as wrong user.

Invalid user in #PBS -u new-user

$ qsub sube.cmd
qsub: Bad UID for job execution

The user name defined in the user list is either undefined or different from the user name of the job submitter or the user UID and GID at the executing node are different from the ones in the submitting node. In this case, first of all check that the #PBS -u directive specifies a valid user, then check that user IDs are the same:

$ id whoami uid=501(myusrname) gid=501(myusrname) groups=501(myusrname) $ grep -e "PBS -u" cpbs.cmd

PBS -u alice001 $ id alice001 uid=10417(alice001) gid=1395(alice) groups=1395(alice)

and change the #PBS -u as appropriate.

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Adding the host the /etc/hosts.equiv fixed my issue.
But I had already added these lines to qmgr.

set server operators += username@servername.local
set server acl_users += username
set server managers += username@servername.local
set server acl_hosts += servername.local
set server operators += username@servername.local

Then I did a /etc/init.d/pbs_server restart.

You can restart the pbs_server even if you are already running.
You don't have to add the server to /etc/hosts.equiv if you are submitting jobs on the server that is running the pbs_server.

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I know this question is a bit old, but I recently ran into this issue and I performed the following steps:

  • Ensure the UID and GID matches across the cluster for the user in question
  • qmgr -c "set server flatuid=true"
  • qmgr -c "set server acl_roots+=username@*"
  • qmgr -c "set server operators+=username@*"

Here * is a wildcard for all hosts. Works like a charm! Probably not super secure but definitely works!

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In my scenario, I received this error when trying to submit a job while working in an interactive job. Exiting the interactive qsub and submitting from the head node worked.

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two procedures:

  1. add ""+::::::"" at the end of the /etc/passwd file

  2. make sure the node where users submit jobs have all other nodes well defined in file /etc/hosts.equiv

reference: search Bad UID for job execution in torque admin guide pdf.