I have received an interesting problem during I tried to set my Server time either with NTD or manually using date
First of all I have tried to use NTD. I have succesfully installed the latest version of NTD, started it. After that I have wanted the synchronization to start. This is why I have run the following command: ntpdate pool.ntp.org
And I have received the following error:
18 May 15:29:21 ntpdate[15477]: step-systime: Operation not permitted
Than I did not know what to do, so I have tried to set the time manually using the date
rm /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime
date 051822172013
However I got this error:
date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted
Can anyone guess what could be the possible problem on my server? I'm logged in as root and I'm using CentOS 5.
Thank you.