I am web developper and now I am running a VPS. I always work on my own machine, I have handled various Linux distributions but never a production server.
I have created a VPS with 1Gb RAM and 100Gb hard drive to start (if needed they can be enlarged in blocks of 100GB). On this server I will install five applications developed in Symfony2 (PHP) . Less than 1Gb everything, but can grow depending on the videos / photos users upload. It is for internal company use.
Right. I´ll install the LAMP in Debian7, but What do you think that is a good partition distribution? Something like that would be fine? / (Root) 5Gb / (Swap) 2Gb / tmp 5Gb / home 5Gb / var the rest
I have another server where all virtual host are hosted on /home but I know that in Debian they are hosted on /var/www is that the reason to assign the rest of the disk
One more thing, do I install the graphical environment? being beginner I like the idea of having something to connect with windows but I manage quite well via ssh.
Thank you very much in advance
P.D. Sorry for my poor english.