APC.PHP tells me:
Uptime 2 days, 15 hours and 13 minutes
File Upload Support 1
File Cache Information
Cached Files 375 ( 53.5 MBytes)
Hits 377684
Misses 376
Request Rate (hits, misses) 1.66 cache requests/second
Hit Rate 1.66 cache requests/second
Miss Rate 0.00 cache requests/second
Insert Rate 0.00 cache requests/second
Cache full count 0
User Cache Information
Cached Variables 573 ( 2.3 MBytes)
Hits 77569
Misses 889
Request Rate (hits, misses) 0.34 cache requests/second
Hit Rate 0.34 cache requests/second
Miss Rate 0.00 cache requests/second
Insert Rate 0.06 cache requests/second
Cache full count 0
"Fragmentation: 100.00% ( 8.0 MBytes out of 8.0 MBytes in 95 fragments)"
apc.shm_segments 1
apc.shm_size 64M
apc.slam_defense 0
apc.stat 1
apc.stat_ctime 0
apc.ttl 3600
apc.user_ttl 3600
apc.max_file_size 1M
apc.gc_ttl 3600
Amazon EC2 micro instance, running a very small wordpress site with few visitors and about 8 plugins.
1) Does it matter if fragmentation becomes 100%? Does it impact performance in any way?
2) Why does fragmentation not go down?
I thought it is supposed to free up space automatically when you set the ttl to > 0
3) Why does the Cache full count not increment despite being at 100% fragmentation for over 24 hours?
4) I am using APC version 3.1.7 is it worth upgrading to the latest version? (it seems more complex to use latest version due to dependencies, so I prefer to avoid if possible)