Are there any 'boxes' available to download for Vagrant that closely mirror the Linux version and packages available for Amazon EC2 instances?
I am testing locally using Vagrant, currently using the Precise32 box. I am deploying my code to Amazon EC2 instances with the 'Amazon Linux AMI 2013.03' AMI.
The problem I am facing is that the packages available to install on the Precise32 box have different names e.g.
- php5-fpm - in the vagrant box
- php54-fpm - in the Amazon EC2 instance.
Although I could fix this by using variables in the Puppet config files to handle the different package names, that sounds a bit like a hack.
So are there any vagrant boxes available that will mirror the Amazon EC2 environment closely.
Or is it possible for me to tell a vagrant box to use the same packages source as an Amazon EC2 instance?
To clarify one thing - the reason I want to do this is so that I can test locally without having to commit everything first. Although Vagrant has support for AWS as a provider, that wouldn't actually achieve being able to test locally.