I know this is a gimme question, but I genuinely would like to add more sysadmin related feeds to my reader, so please list the contents of your feedreader.
1http://serverfault.com/questions/580 is a dupe, but has some good alternative answers. – Richard Gadsden May 05 '09 at 15:59
10 Answers
Blackhat SEO
- http://contempt.me/ - Totally a jerk, possibly illegal. Blog spam, spam rings, and the like. But an interesting look into administration of hundreds or thousands of tiny sites.
- http://highscalability.com/ - Often about code, but just as often about scaling servers and system tweaks to optimize. Like this article and optimizing even CPU load balancing
- http://gentoo-portage.com/GLSA - Because I run gentoo. The security list of whatever major products you use is standard I think
- http://xorl.wordpress.com/ - He reads the patches for security holes and shows where the error is. It's code, but often in the kernel or major packages
- http://www.darknet.org.uk/ - Often has posts about tools, including forensics, SCADA, and the like
- http://digg.com/security - Often fluff or several days behind, but it's slow-moving so it's easy to stick in and forget
- http://ha.ckers.org/blog/ - More configuration type posts, but also talks about large-scale deployment of security fixes and techniques
- http://www.net-security.org/ - I find this to be almost total fluff and markest more at CIOs looking for buzzwords, but once in a while some signal gets through
- http://www.net-security.org/insecuremag.php - An awesome magazine that comes out every few months
- http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/ - He runs a Web Application Firewall company, so his posts are often focused around that, numbers relating to the industry, and general Web Security
- http://www.schneier.com/blog/ - A mainstay
- http://www.secguru.com/ - Something like a reddit for security. It often gets good articles but some of then are fluff
- http://www.windowsecurity.com/ - Has good tutorials and explanations for setting up things like Domain Authentication and Kerberos in Windows.
- http://seclists.org/#bugtraq - I monitor this for anything interesting or apps I run. Often gets first-reports
- http://seclists.org/#dailydave - A very high signal to noise ratio list run by Dave Aitel
- http://seclists.org/#pen-test - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway
- http://seclists.org/#basics - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway. I can actually answer some of these!
- http://seclists.org/#webappsec - Low signal to noise, but I skim it anyway
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- 30
Just one from me - I follow afp548.com for Mac OS X admin news. There are also some good mailing lists for OS X sysadmins, such as macos-x-server@lists.apple.com
and macenterprise@lists.psu.edu
Some of my favorite sysadmin/operations/IT blogs:
- Kitchen Soap - by John Allspaw, former Flickr's Operations Manager, now at Etsy
- High Scalability - Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites
- Standalone Sysadmin - Great tips by Matt Simmons :)
- Agile WebOperations - bridging the deployment gap
- Twitter Engineering - Twitter folks on Technology
- NixCraft - Linux tips and howtos
- MySQL Performance Blog - Best MySQL blog around
- dev2ops - Delivering change
- 3,100
- 22
- 25
VM side of sysadmin stuff:
- 21
- 1
Great aggregation of sysadmin blogs.
Killer advice and discussion from experienced sysadmins.
The US League of Professional Sysadmins general discussion list.
Some great sysadmin content here with a dedicated Operations stream - plenty of 21st Century sysadmin material to enjoy and think about.
For security-related:
http://www.reddit.com/r/netsec (some good stuff)
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- 22
fedora-devel-list@redhat.com -- especially enjoying to read threads where Lennart Poettering starts a round dance.
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