I have an 80GB packet capture (libpcap) and I want to filter it down to everything involving all operations on a particular NFS file/filehandle.
How can I accomplish this?
I know the following facts about what I want to capture (in tshark display format):
nfs.name == ".o1_mf_1_1093__1366653401581181_.arc
nfs.fh.hash == 0x5c191ad8
nfs.fhandle == 3a:4f:47:4c:20:11:7b:48:7f:88:4f:16:94:90:a0:34:9a:fa:cf:71:e1:6a:95:fc:3e:3b:4e:6a:bb:9c:c6:c4:49:db:80:ca
But I don't know how to tell tshark to give me the applicable requests/replies/etc.
I've tried:
tshark -r ginormous.pcap -w 1366653401581181.pcap \
-R "nfs.fh.hash == 0x5c191ad8" \
-o nfs.file_name_snooping:TRUE \
-o nfs.file_full_name_snooping:TRUE \
-o nfs.fhandle_find_both_reqrep:TRUE
to try and coax tshark to do the snooping that the full GUI would do, but but no avail.