Obviously I was wrong to assume adding a subdomain would be as straightforward as duplicating my existing domain & adding a DNS A record.

So I tried to run cp -r /var/www/mydomain.com/ /var/www/dev.mydomain.com & configure a subdomain from the original domain settings, but now it gives a 'Python application not found' error on my original domain.

I have a VDS running Ubuntu, Nginx and uWSGI to serve Django with the following configuration;

- /conf
-- /nginx.conf
-- /uwsgi.conf
- /logs
- /src
- /venv

Nginx is setup to read configs from /var/www/*/conf/nginx.conf

uWSGI is set to startup with a Daemon and this is my uwsgi.conf;

# variables
projectname = mydomain
projectdomain = mydomain.com
base = /var/www/mydomain.com

# config
plugins = python
master = true
protocol = uwsgi
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=%(projectname).settings
pythonpath = %(base)/src/%(projectname)
module = %(projectname).wsgi
#module = mydomain.wsgi
#module = mydomain.wsgi:application
#socket = /tmp/%(projectdomain).sock
socket =
logto = %(base)/logs/uwsgi.log
# below line runs as a daemon in background
daemonize = /var/log/uwsgi/mydomain.log

And I've pastebined my uwsgi domain log if it helps

I'm still new to uwsgi/nginx (if you hadn't guessed!) so could anyone offer a suggestion for my problem or could I provide some more detail?

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1 Answers1


My mistake here was an improperly renamed module in my Django project.

I changed mydomain.mydomain to mydomain.myd so then uWSGI was looking for a module named mydomain.mydomain and then the wsgi.py file instead of mydomain.myd.wsgi which is where it had been.

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