I am trying to launch up a rtmp transcoder server using ffmpeg; that receives udp MPEG-TS streams as input, transcodes it; and generates an rtmp output to a URL, that can be accessed by users to receive and play the rtmp stream. All these are expected to be performed in a LAN and the output be accessed by all users.
1) First I don't know where the URL should point to. Is it enought to specify the IP of the system and some optional port? Is it neccessary that a program should be listening on that port?
2) How I can play the stream on the URL?
I use a linux ubuntu machine whith IP= and I want to transcode multicast stream on this URL: udp://@
here is the command used to transcode input stream and generate rtmp url "rtmp://".
ffmpeg -y -f mpegts -i "udp://@" -re -vcodec libx264 -maxrate 700k -r 25 -s 640x360 -deinterlace -acodec libfaac -ab 64k -ac 1 -ar 44100 -f flv "rtmp://"
and here is the command by which I am trying to play rtmp stream:
ffplay rtmp://
Any guidance would be helpfull. Thank you.