We have a situation where we need to explicitly limit the system.web/processModel/maxAppDomains = 1 for one website. The problem is that system.web/processModel can only be set at the machine.config level by default:

        <sectionGroup name="system.web">
            <section name="processModel" allowDefinition="MachineOnly" />

I know that %windir%/system32/inetsvr/appcmd.exe can be used to update IIS config settings, but I haven't found a way to update the allowDefinition attribute of the processModel section definition. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?


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  • just to be clear... you know how to set the process model section for a specific site, but you're trying to find a scripted way to modify allowDefinition="blahblah" so that your per-site settings will work? – explunit Mar 22 '13 at 18:59
  • That's exactly right – scripni Mar 25 '13 at 09:21

2 Answers2


using WMI provider:

' SetAllowDefinition is a static method, you should call it by getting a class object, as in the following example  
Set oAnonAuth = oWebAdmin.Get("AnonymousAuthenticationSection")
oAnonAuth.SetAllowDefinition "MachineOnly"

based on my understanding, i think you are intersted in setting AllowDefinition to [AppHostOnly] or [MachineToApplication] values.


note: Changes to the ProcessModelSection class take effect only when the worker process is restarted, not immediately after the setting is changed.

i used the following code to set maxAppDomain=1 to the current web app "but you can change it for any .config file by providing the path"

System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("");
            System.Web.Configuration.ProcessModelSection processModelSection =
            processModelSection.MaxAppDomains = 1;

hope that's help, yet i had to assume couple of things since the question requirements need further clarifications.

Jawad Al Shaikh
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Have you tried editing the machine.config file directly? Every time I've run into issues with the machine.config file I've just edited the file directly.

Techie Joe
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  • The problem is that we need to do this as part of a deployment, so automating it in some way is our preferred option. – scripni Apr 30 '13 at 11:09