Let me put it this way:

1.cname.com has a record of X.X.X.X

www.domain.com has a record of 1.cname.com

When a user request www.domain.com from within his/her browser,his/her browser will send an http request.My question is what is the host name THE http request contains.Is it 1.cname.com or www.domain.com?

Thank you!

Steven Jang
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1 Answers1


The hostname inside the HTTP request (in the Host header) will be the hostname in the URL, www.domain.com in your example.

The Host request-header field specifies the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested, as obtained from the original URI given by the user or referring resource[.] - RFC 2616

David Schwartz
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    More exact: The host name is the one typed into the browser, the DNS resolution is irrelevant at this point. The user types"www.domain.com" then this is what is in the request. – TomTom Mar 18 '13 at 07:24
  • I sniffed a few packets and found out the host name in the request actually IS the one I typed into the browser. – Steven Jang Mar 18 '13 at 11:24