If a IP address is what does each quadrant represent in this IP address?
Viewed 2,063 times
possible duplicate of [How does IPv4 Subnetting Work?](http://serverfault.com/questions/49765/how-does-ipv4-subnetting-work) – EEAA Feb 27 '13 at 04:38
An IPv4 address is 32 bits, the pieces are simply the bytes in the address written in decimal. – vonbrand Feb 27 '13 at 13:29
for reference, its also called an octet. – Sirex Feb 27 '13 at 23:33
2 Answers
It is a 32-bit unsigned integer, converted into four 8-bit unsigned integers so that humans can read it more easily. The numbers are represented most-significant-bit-first.

Michael Hampton
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1Which is why you can `ping 3232264220` and it will work (well, if you have a `` on your network anyway) – Mark Henderson Feb 27 '13 at 04:46
thanks for the reply, yes.. they are 32-bit unsigned integers. but i want to know what exactly those integers represent. ex: 192/11000000 -represents a port or something – chamz33 Feb 27 '13 at 05:31
1I don't understand what you're trying to ask there. Ports are not part of an IP address, and that example doesn't correspond to anything. – Michael Hampton Feb 27 '13 at 05:33
IP address consists of 32 bits, it is represented as 4 octets of numbers from 0-255 instead of binary form. For example, the IP address: in binary form is 11000000.10101000.01110000.0011100

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