Two fold question.
- How do I find out when the upgrade from 5.8 to 5.9 happened? Where is this logged?
- What is the process of rolling back or downgrading from 5.9 to 5.8?
Background: Supporting a client who is adding a NetApp storage device in the upcoming weeks and the configuration is certified up to 5.8, but not with 5.9. It is then certified with 6.x versions. Since the rest of the servers that will be using the device are all running 5.8 the desired outcome is to roll this one back and find out when it was upgraded (I am semi-new to the project, and the previous admin is long gone).
Kernel versions are the same across the servers, /etc/redhat-release is showing 5.8 for all but one, which is showing
$ more /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.9 (Tikanga)
Possibly worth noting, they are running Oracle Enterprise Linux, but for all (most) intents and purposes, they can be treated the same as RHEL.