Is there a command that list all enabled Apache modules?

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7 Answers7


To list apache loaded modules use:

apachectl -M


apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES 

or on RHEL,CentoS, Fedora:

httpd -M

For more options man apachectl. All these answers can be found just by little google search.

Valentin Bajrami
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    `-M` will also work. – Andrew B Feb 04 '13 at 12:07
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    I love this comment about google search (found this answer via google) – Pawelmhm Sep 25 '13 at 19:41
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    The use of server-info is harder to find via google and gives much more details && the ability to give access to the information to people who don't have shell access (eg client, web developpers, project managers, ...) –  Nov 06 '13 at 12:44
  • `man apachectl` on Ubuntu 20.04 does not include this option (or others), but the command still works. The man page isn't that helpful here – Amandasaurus Nov 18 '20 at 12:15
  • Prefix command with sudo e.g. `sudo httpd -M` if you get errors like local ssl cert not found etc. Its due to permission issue. – Mihir Kagrana Jun 29 '22 at 14:17

Also you can use server-info to get info from remote servers

<Location /server-info>
   SetHandler server-info
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

You can get list of all enabled Apache modules at http://your.host.example.com/server-info?list

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You need to enable the info module:

sudo a2enmod info.load
sudo a2enmod info.conf
sudo service apache2 restart

After restart:


will provide a long list of modules, and configuration info.

To view from remote servers, you can change the 'Requires' option in /etc/apache2/mods-available/info.conf to allow remote servers to view info.

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    Why not use the ````a2enmod```` command to enable an {installed} module, instead of "symlinking" it manually? – Flo Schild Jun 08 '15 at 08:37
  • Yes a2enmod is more correct. When I'm editing configs I usually stay with the files and don't think of the specialty commands that I rarely use. – rickfoosusa Jun 09 '15 at 14:02
  • Okay, it works both ways anyway, in 2.4 (maybe already earlier also?) you also have the ````a2enconf```` to symlink files from "conf-available" directory to "conf-enabled" :) – Flo Schild Jun 09 '15 at 14:19

On more recent iterations of Debian and Ubuntu there is also the a2query command:

a2query -m
authz_host (enabled by maintainer script)
ssl (enabled by site administrator)


Usage: /usr/sbin/a2query -q -m [MODULE] -s [SITE] -c [CONF] -a -v -M -d -h
-q              suppress any output. Useful for invocation from scripts
-m [MODULE]     checks whether the module MODULE is enabled, lists all enabled
modules if no argument was given
-s [SITE]       checks whether the site SITE is enabled, lists all sites if no
argument was given
-c [CONF]       checks whether the configuration CONF is enabled, lists all
configurations if no argument was given
-a              returns the current Apache 2 module magic version
-v              returns the current Apache 2 version
-M              returns the enabled Apache 2 MPM
-d              returns the Apache 2 module directory
-h              display this help
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This works also:

apache2ctl -M
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The above answers are old and no longer work for my modern Fedora Server 31 / 32 and Apache 2.4.

Here's what does:

httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES

But, there is a caveat that this will only work if you have an appropriately configured /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, so if you're in the middle of editing to set LogLevel, it won't work if your edits are in-progress and not valid!

Richard T
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Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:

sudo a2enmod info.load
sudo service apache2 restart

After restart:

sudo wget http://localhost/server-info --no-check-certificate && cat server-info
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