I am going to be setting up a router and NAT device but I am unable to choose between pfSense 2.x (FreeBSD 8) and RHEL 6.
The device will need to forward a medium (2k hosts) sized network where almost all the clients are NATed but a few will be using WAN assigned IP addresses. The router will not be a firewall. IPv6 support will eventually be needed.
The key performance sepcifications would be (unsorted):
- number of concurrent NATed connections
- throughput
This can be either out of the box performance or based on performance tweaks that are clearly (organized) documented.
If there is no clear way for me to decide which to use, except for a bake off, because I cannot find documentation on this. Is there any documentation, and if so where?
To clarify, I am asking for answers which are references to research on this issue that contains facts, references, or specific expertise, since my google fu has only resulting in:
- http://freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/pf-nat-amp-ipfw-kernel-nat-amp-ng-nat-what-uses-less-computer-resources-td4233255.html
- http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-performance/2003-May/000160.html
- Building a custom Router
- FreeBSD vs Linux performance?
- Gateway and router on one computer
- http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/comparison-linux-vs-freebsd-bsd-oses.html
It appears that there may be no noticiable performance differences, in that case features will be compared.