We want to make sure that the script below will capture all needed configuration settings to restore on a new machine IIS and all Security Settings.
'This script will dump a daily system state backup to the directory
' c:\sysstatebkup\ on every Intensive Server
Dim shell, network, fso
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set network = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strBackup
strBackup = "ntbackup backup systemstate /j ""Daily System State Backup"" /f ""C:\SysBkUp\SystemState.bkf"" /v:yes /l:f"
shell.Run strBackup
NOTE 1: Thanks Evan for your comments, I will give a little more information due to his answer. What we are trying to accomplish is: We want to have a very good and easy to restore backup of IIS and all the applications running there. We have the application content but the actual configuration of IIS is missing. I will list below the things we need to backup and how we have done it, since this question is only part of the total solution:
- IIS Application Content (backing up, we are wondering how to capture security settings of some directories?)
- IIS Configuration
- MSSQL Databases & Security settings to connect to each database