
I received the following results:

Summary of Results
SPF check:          pass
DomainKeys check:   neutral
DKIM check:         neutral
Sender-ID check:    pass
SpamAssassin check: ham

Mail sent from my company email to Hotmail recipients goes to "junk" if message body contains link to my company web, examples:

  1. http://www.mycompanydomain.com
  2. www.mycompanydomain.com

but mycompanydomain.com is OK and delivered to inbox well!

I think Hotmail filters/blacklists my full domain name as a keyword and therefore this issue has nothing to do with rest antiSPAM stuff checks, like SPF, DomainKeys, DKIM, Sender-ID, SpamAssassin - all these checks are OK and set well!

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1 Answers1


You're messages are probably considered borderline spam without the links, and the addition of links pushes them over the threshold.

Hotmail uses a variety of heuristics to determine if a message is spam. The main ones are:

  • SPF - Do you have a SPF record properly configured for your domain?
  • DKIM - Do you have DKIM properly configured for your domain and outgoing mail is signed?
  • SenderScore.org - Check your IP(s) (note that this works on a feedback loop, the more e-mail addresses you send to, where the majority of your messages are considered ham, the better your score; if you conduct testing, use only one destination testing address to minimize the effect on your score; similarly try not to send spam to a ton of addresses or your reputation will be trashed).
  • Common content scoring (similar to SpamAssassin if you know how it works) - If you're sending marketing, automated, or similar e-mails on a regular basis, run your messages through SpamAssassin and see what it thinks. Hotmail doesn't use SA to my knowledge, but most systems work similarly enough that you'll get a good idea of where you stand.

SPF, DKIM, and SpamAssassin can all be checked quickly be sending a test message to a verifier.

This Canonical Question answer the more generic question of How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?

Some of the information in this one may be useful, as it speaks to the other side of the coin: Fighting Spam - What can I do as an: Email Administrator, Domain Owner, or User?

Chris S
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  • Mail sent from my company email to hotmail recipients goes to "junk" if message body contains link to my company web, examples: 1) "http://www.mycompanydomain.com" 2) "www.mycompanydomain.com" but "mycompanydomain.com" is ok and delivered to inbox well! I think Hotmail filters/blacklists my full domain name as a keyword and therefore this issue has nothing to do with rest antiSPAM stuff checks, like SPF, DomainKeys, DKIM, Sender-ID, SpamAssassin - all these checks are ok and set well! Please advise! – cmpt Jan 21 '13 at 03:13
  • 1
    DKIM did not pass. SA returned Ham, but what are the details of that result?? – Chris S Jan 21 '13 at 03:17
  • "SA ham" doesn't mean that it is not passed or "bad", as well as DKIM result "neutral" – cmpt Jan 21 '13 at 06:14