Answering my own Question.The answer to my question was understanding and using Ganeti OS templates/Bootstraps. Ganeti provides a default bootstrap to install Debian based Instances/Virtual machine. It could be modified to install any type of OS. There are already such instance-images available that could be used to install other destros such as CentOS/RHEL and Windows.
- debootstrap -- For Debian
- Instance-image -- For all Linux
- Linux-image/Raw-image -- It worked for me to get CentOS 6 VM install.
Install Linux-image. Remember to install the packages and ISO images across all the nodes in same location.
tar -zxvf ganeti-os-defs-1.1.1.tgz -C /src/ganeti/os/
cd linux-image/
edit path of ISO rescue image
Modify cluster settings
Verify the install
gnt-os list
Installing from ISO Image
Create an instance image
gnt-instance add -t drbd -o linux-image+default -s 10g -n node1:node2 --no-start --no-install -B vcpus=2,memory=1024M -H kvm:vnc_bind_address=
Install OS
gnt-instance start -H boot_order=cdrom,cdrom_image_path=/usr/local/iso/CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal.iso
Get the VNC Access
gnt-instance info --all | grep network
You may have to restart the Instances from Ganeti as it may not pick up up the grub.
Importing existing Qemu-image to DRBD based Ganeti
Sharing the steps mentioned at!topic/ganeti/YH_5pM8rAvc
Convert the Image
Get the image size
qemu-img convert dsl.qcow2 -O raw dsl.qcow2
qemu-img info dsl.raw
image: dsl.raw
file format: raw
virtual size: 8.0G (8589934592 bytes)
disk size: 1.5G
Create a DRBD image
gnt-instance add -t drbd -o linux-image+default -s 8g -n -H --no-start --no-install -B vcpus=2,memory=1024M -H kvm:vnc_bind_address=
gnt-instance activate-disks
dd if=dsl.raw of=/dev/drbd1
gnt-instance deactivate-disks
gnt-instace start