I have a website which will store user profile images. Each image is stored in a directory (Linux) specific to the user. Currently I have a customer base of 30+, which means I will have 30+ folders. But my current Linux box (ext2/ext3) doesn't support creating more than 32000 directories. How do I get past this? Even YouTube guys have got the same problem, with video thumbnails. But they solved it by moving to ReiserFS. Can't we have a better solution?
Update:When asked in IRC, people were asking about upgrading it to ext4, which has 64k limit and of course you can even get past that too. Or kernel hacking to change the limit.
Update:How about splitting the user base into folders based on the userid range. Meaning 1-1000 in one folder, 1000-2000 in the other like that. This seems to be simple. What do you say, guys?
Frankly, isn't there any other way?