
I found a domain name which gives different results for following dig commands. Lets assume the domain name is domain.com.


dig domain.com
dig www.domain.com

Is anyone know what are the reasons for getting different results for this queries?

John Gardeniers
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Yasiru G
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2 Answers2


They're two different queries, why should they give the same results?

David Schwartz
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  • My apologies if it is a silly question. I'm new to this DNS stuff. I can understand that we can host DNS domain.com, but I believe that we cannot host another DNS like www.domain.com. Is that right or wrong? I have only seen www.domain.com things as aliases in web servers which pointing by domain.com dns record. – Yasiru G Jan 03 '13 at 05:20
  • 1
    Your understanding is incorrect. They're two different names, as different as `co.uk` and `guardian.co.uk`. The DNS system doesn't care about conventions about how the `com` TLD or `www` host name is used. – David Schwartz Jan 03 '13 at 05:22

One is a domain and the other is a subdomain. The fact thet they very often do have the same address doesn't mean they have to.

John Gardeniers
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