I initially git cloned a repo, when I push my work, within the post-receive hook, I would like to retrieve the origin acount's username who did the push.

I know $SSH_CONNECTION and $SSH_CLIENT give me the origin IP, but I can't find a way to get the username of the origin account.

Info: The ssh connection is established using the public key / passwordless method

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3 Answers3


I am assuming everyone is sharing the same user on the git server, and they each have their own key to log in with.

If that is the case, then instead of identifying the remote user, you could easily identify the public key that the user used to log into the git server. To do that, you should allow PermitUserEnvironment in your server's sshd_config, and then you can easily identify each public key by prefixing it with something like environment="GIT_USER=username". For example, the authorized_keys file for the git serve user could look like this:

environment="GIT_USER=bob" ssh-rsa AAA.....abc== bob@somehost
environment="GIT_USER=sam" ssh-rsa AAA.....def== sam@otherhost

You are free to choose the environment variable name and user identifier.

If you are using gitolite, then $GL_USER is what you are looking for.

If you are using gitosis, you should consider switching to gitolite.

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  • Perfect. I wasn't able of that flexibility of the authorized_keys file. And I am using gitolite ;) Thanks for the hint on giolite! – Spredzy Dec 22 '12 at 18:35
  • I meant aware not able. – Spredzy Dec 22 '12 at 19:01
  • There is more you can do with the `authorized_keys`. I had hard time finding the info myself, but it is in `man sshd` - "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT". – chutz Dec 23 '12 at 10:40

No, that information is not available in any way unless your git server can access the originating host as well (via ssh or something). In that case you can use netstat on both servers to match up ports, something like this in the hook:

shost=$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -f1 -d' ')
sport=$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -f2 -d' ')
remotepid=$(ssh specialcheckuser@remote sudo netstat -ptn | sed -ne 's/.*$shost:$sport.*ESTABLISHED \([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p')
remoteuser=$(ssh specliacheckuser@remote ps -o user --no-headers -$remotepid)
Dennis Kaarsemaker
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Another possibility, if you control both hosts: good old identd. You can query identd on the originating host to see who set up the connection. This of course only works if you have full control over that host, or else you might get bogus data.

Dennis Kaarsemaker
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    In fact the reason it is now disabled on nearly all of the standard install distributions is the fact that it was hardly reliable these days. – mdpc Dec 22 '12 at 16:45