I'm having a really unique issue with a local development environment. I currently have a WAMP Stack Running on ZendServer. On my computer, by default, port 80 is occupied, so I am using port 8080, and I'm having no issues with this whatsoever.

This issue first came to my attention when I started with a local WordPress install, and I can view the homepage and access the backend of WordPress with no issues. I can add/edit posts with no issues. I originally set up a vhost to have zr‑www.mywebsite.com:8080 to map into my htdocs folder and that works with no issues.

What then happens is that I go on the home page, then try to go to any page other than the home page (on the front end), and I get a 404 Not Found error. It is an exact clone of the live site, and when I test it on a linux-based LAMP Stack (Ubuntu) it works with no issues.

Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answers1


You forgot your WordPress rewrite rules. Make sure you enabled mod_rewrite and have the appropriate bits in .htaccess.

Michael Hampton
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  • Here is my .htaccess file's contents, I do not think that is the issue # BEGIN WordPress RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /trafficbarricade/ RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /trafficbarricade/index.php [L] # END WordPress – Zach Russell Nov 28 '12 at 17:41
  • That's only half the story. Do the other thing: Enable `mod_rewrite`. – Michael Hampton Nov 28 '12 at 17:42
  • It's enabled in the httpd.conf file (IE it's uncommented). I'm looking at the Mod_rewrite.so file and it basically looks like each row has 8 sets of 4 alphanumeric characters, is that right? – Zach Russell Nov 28 '12 at 17:45
  • You restarted Apache after enabling mod_rewrite? Is it _really_ enabled? – Michael Hampton Nov 28 '12 at 17:51
  • I've mod_rewrite was always enabled as far as I know, how do I check f it's "really enabled" on windows? – Zach Russell Nov 28 '12 at 18:02
  • Can I find out if mod_rewrite is really enabled in PHPinfo? If so, it is't listed there – Zach Russell Nov 28 '12 at 18:14
  • I got it fixed. It was a mod_rewrite issue. – Zach Russell Dec 07 '12 at 05:54