I am using darkstat to collect data about bandwidth usage on my local box. My internet connection is provided by a 3G USB stick, connecting to a mobile network. Each time I connect to the internet I am given a different IP address. My question is how do I configure darkstat so that it does not include traffic to/from my own IP address in its output?
If I run darkstat as follows:
sudo darkstat -i ppp0
then the charts that are produced shows my own IP address as having the highest usage:
IP Hostname In Out Total Last seen
49.***.***.*** ***.***.***.***.dyn.cust.vf.net.nz 19,790,395 2,683,631 22,474,026 2 secs ubuntu.citylink.co.nz 472,523 7,624,768 8,097,291 5 mins, 46 secs jake.unipi.it 133,012 1,492,900 1,625,912 9 mins, 10 secs zaurac.canonical.com 49,147 755,590 804,737 52 mins, 2 secs
... and so on.
I realise I can use the -f and/or -l switches to modify the range of IP addresses that are monitored, but I don't know how to set this up so that it excludes my dynamically assigned IP address.
Does anyone have any suggestions?