Possible Duplicate:
How do I find out what is using up all the space on my / partition?

No Free disk space

$df -h


/dev/sda1              16G   16G     0 100% /
tmpfs                 502M     0  502M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                  497M  116K  497M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 502M     0  502M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1             2.0T  886G  1.1T  47% /srv/ftp
/dev/sdc1              16G   12G  3.9G  75% /var/opt/CrushFTP6_PC/TempAccounts


$du -hs * | sort -rh


886G    srv
12G     var
838M    usr
119M    lib
15M     boot
5.8M    bin
5.6M    etc
4.6M    sbin
2.4M    lib32
120K    root
116K    dev

The 886GB is on /dev/sdb1

the 12GB is on /dev/sdc1

Please help me figure out where the space is going on /dev/sda1. Are there files that I deleted that are still in use? If so how can I find them?

David Vasandani
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    SDA1 contains /, and possibly log files in directories. Did you delete any log files (without restarting the program creating them).? – Hennes Nov 15 '12 at 20:50
  • `df` uses the kernel's in-core idea of what's in use on the disk. `du` walks the filesystem to see what's actually connected. The only time the two are guaranteed to agree is when the filesystem is clean and newly mounted... – voretaq7 Nov 15 '12 at 20:51

1 Answers1


Its likely you have an open file handle to a file you deleted. See here for how to use lsof to find the file and the proc file system to close the handle.

Justin Dearing
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