I would like to configure BIND that I have a few "local" zones with manual entries and all other lookups should be forwarded to an external internet dns. How can I do that?

Maybe I'm absolutely wrong, but I haven't got a lot of experience with it.

Thanks in advance Lars

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    If you meant an internet proxy, my answer won't apply, but otherwise the solution is to learn a bit about BIND so you can configure it as you said. – gparent Nov 15 '12 at 15:29

1 Answers1


You simply configure your server as you said it. Make your local zones where you are "master", and setup DNS forwarders in the forwarders {} block (typically in named.conf or named.conf.options on debian for instance).

The server will be authoritative over the local zones but it will defer all other lookups to internet nameservers you specify in the forwarders block.

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    Thank you very much. I think I found my mistake. I wrote forwarders { ip_address }; and not forwarders { ip_address; }; (missing semicolon) – Lars Nov 15 '12 at 16:05
  • Alright :) Please mark the answer as the correct one if it solved your issue, I can edit the question and answer a bit to highlight the forwarders problem (or you can maybe edit the question yourself depending on your reputation here) – gparent Nov 15 '12 at 17:47