We send mail with unicode asian characters to our mail server on the other side of our WAN... immediately after upgrading from a FWSM running 2.3(2) to an ASA5550 running 8.2(5), we saw failures on mail jobs that contained unicode and other text encoded as Base64.
The symptoms are pretty clear... using the ASA's packet capture utility, we snagged the traffic before and after it left the ASA...
access-list PCAP line 1 extended permit tcp any host eq 25
capture pcap_inside type raw-data access-list PCAP buffer 1500000 packet-length 9216 interface inside
capture pcap_outside type raw-data access-list PCAP buffer 1500000 packet-length 9216 interface WAN
I downloaded the pcaps from the ASA by going to https://<fw_addr>/pcap_inside/pcap
and https://<fw_addr>/pcap_outside/pcap
... when I looked at them with Wireshark > Follow TCP Stream, the inside traffic going into the ASA looks like this
EHLO metabike
But the same mail leaving the ASA on the outside interface looks like this...
EHLO metabike
The XXXX characters are concerning... I fixed the issue by disabling ESMTP inspection:
wan-fw1(config)# policy-map global_policy
wan-fw1(config-pmap)# class inspection_default
wan-fw1(config-pmap-c)# no inspect esmtp
wan-fw1(config-pmap-c)# end
The $5 question... our old FWSM used SMTP fixup without issues... mail went down at the exact moment that we brought the new ASAs online... what specifically is different about the ASA that it is now breaking this mail?
Note: usernames / passwords / app names were changed... don't bother trying to Base64-decode this text.