I'm a mostly-Windows guy tasked with setting up email on an Ubuntu 12.04 instance at AWS and hit the following error:

When I browse to Horde, after entering my administrative credentials, I get the error message:

A fatal error has occurred

imp is not activated.

Details have been logged for the administrator.

I am following the following, quite detailed guide


This is happening at Step 20, at the text Now fire up you web browser and navigate to your server at http://mail.example.com/ to verify that you can log in as the configured administrative mail user. (of course I used my actual domain).


  • Where is Horde logging the "details"?
  • Any thoughts on why this might happen? I found Google hits suggesting that php5-mcrypt might be missing, but I verified it is installed and up-to-date in my case.
Eric J.
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4 Answers4


A1: Check the apache error logs. Specifically, the error.log file.

A2: If you used the long conf.php on the linked page as a template, don't. Something in that file might be causing the issue. Just copy conf.php.dist in the same directory over conf.php, and modify conf.php as you need.

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Your problem is not HordeMail it's Dovecot!

Try to use these paths in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf

 ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
 ssl_key = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

the paths provided by the tutorial are wrong.

Daniel t.
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Careful following the instructions in http://www.exratione.com/2012/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1204-postfix-dovecot-mysql/. These instructions are missing lines in many of the configuration files beginning in section 20 where you configure Horde. The script for file /var/www/config/conf.php is missing all lines past line 170. This leaves you with a partially-configured system that does not work.


After following the guide and using the conf.php file provided, a solution that worked to get past this error was:

  • Use the conf.php.dist as the conf.php
  • Copy over the "sql" configuration section from the provided quite into the new conf.php
  • Follow the remaining guide
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