My cloud server hosted in Rackspace stopped working after I installed some GUI application in Ubuntu 12.04 which automatically installed it's dependency package ubuntu-desktop (or some other similar (GUI) package).

Actually, that happened 2 weeks ago.

But today is the first time I'm rebooting my server after ubuntu-desktop (or a similar package) was installed, and I realized the webserver cannot boot as it does not have enough RAM to load the GUI (and it doesn't have a graphical device neither) - It frezes after printing "Loading Boot screen" (or something like that) into the terminal.

To fix it, I have access to Rescue Mode in Rackspace, where I can access the filesystem of my server without actually booting it, so I can tweak configs here and there before turning it on.

I did some research and saw that I can force console mode changing Grub configuration from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text". But this change requires running update-grub which I can't, because I can only access the server filesystem, but not log into it to run commands.

Do you guys understand my problem? Am I clear enough? Sorry about my bad English, i'm still learning it.

So, here's my question:

How can I update grub without being logged in a server? Is that even possible? If not, is there any other way to force boot into text mode by only tweaking configuration files and thus not having to log into the server?


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3 Answers3



I got it to work by manually editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg on the mounted filesystem and replacing the single occurrence of "quiet splash" to "text". That way, update-grub was not needed.

It's not an elegant solution, but it worked.

Now I'm able to connect normally through SSH to my server again. I'll later run update-grub so I can make sure this manual file edit won't have any side effects.

So, here's what I learned today: don't install a GUI on those cheap low performance cloud servers because they won't have enough resources to boot, making things difficult to fix.

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  • you shouldn't have to run update-grub. The manual edit should be just fine. – mdpc Oct 26 '12 at 20:17
  • Thanks @mdpc. Is grub.conf just an intermediate configuration file for the sake of organization and clearness? Is it always safe to make changes directly into grub.cfg? – pagliuca Oct 26 '12 at 20:26
  • grub.cfg is the control file that grub consults as it runs through its paces at reboot. – mdpc Oct 26 '12 at 20:27
  • `grub.cfg` is completely generated by `update-grub`, so any changes you make there will get overwritten. Your solution of editing `grub.cfg` to get the system to boot and then running `update-grub` is correct though. – mgorven Oct 26 '12 at 22:54

Hmmm.....Is rescue mode basically a Linux single user root shell? If so, try running the program from the mounted filesystem. I assume that your mounted disk contains the /boot area.

There also might be a grub on the rescue image for you to run to fix the external disk.

At worse, contact Rackspace for guidance.

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  • First: the Rescue Mode is a different server that I loggin as root, that I can access my regular filesystem by mounting it. But running update-grub will only update the grub for this specific "Rescue Mode special server", not my real server. The bad thing is that I don't have the Rackspace managed plan, as they won't fix stuff inside my server, you know? I have to pay more for them to do that. – pagliuca Oct 26 '12 at 19:02
  • I don't know if I was clear, but after logging into the special Rescue Mode server, I can mount my regular filesystem in, as an example, /mnt/regular_fs. So my grub config is at /mnt/regular_fs/etc/default/grub and my boot folder is at /mnt/regular_fs/boot so if I run udpate_grub it will not know that I want to update the regular_fs config. – pagliuca Oct 26 '12 at 19:05

Can you log into the host via single-user mode? That should interrupt the attempt at a GUI and give you an opportunity to edit grub.conf and run update-grub.

Also, check your /etc/inittab, if your OS uses that functionality. You may be able to set your default runlevel to a non-GUI value. See Section 10.4.2 of the RHEL6 Installation Guide for one example.

Good luck!

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  • Thanks. Right now, the server is checking filsystem for errors (due to the many reboots I went through in the past few hours), so I can't test your suggestions. When the filesystem check is completed, I'll try them. – pagliuca Oct 26 '12 at 19:25
  • I couldn't get to test your solutions, because my system booted just fine after the filesystem check, because of the changes I made in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Right now, I rather not mess with that again, because my webservices stood offline for a long time today (~ 3 hours). Thanks for your help, tho. – pagliuca Oct 26 '12 at 20:34