I'm running a Centos VM in VMWare Fusion 5.x. The VM is running a file transfer server and the files being sent are stored on a disk shared from the host, /mnt/hgfs/Aspera. It looks like the file transfers are taking up space on the root volume.
I spent some time last night resizing the VM disk from 20 GB to 50 GB using Gparted and it filled up again this morning, presumably because people are using the transfer server. How do I mount the other volume such that it doesn't use VM's disk space?
Here's my command outputs:
[root@aspera /]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 48G 45G 16M 100% /
tmpfs 935M 300K 935M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 291M 58M 218M 21% /boot
/dev/sr0 128M 128M 0 100% /media/GParted-live
root@aspera /]# du . | sort -nr | head -10
du: cannot access `./proc/40852/task/40852/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40852/task/40852/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40852/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40852/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
46778741 .
42760076 ./mnt
42760072 ./mnt/hgfs
42760068 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera
33393104 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera/85402436-7f17-43f7-bc2d-a46ebcc7cd81
33393100 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera/85402436-7f17-43f7-bc2d-a46ebcc7cd81/PKG - LWS ProRes Files
1977804 ./usr
1800596 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera/b3f4f3b5-bb22-457d-baa2-adda320a6ecb
1800592 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera/b3f4f3b5-bb22-457d-baa2-adda320a6ecb/PKG - MAM_VFX_136_100812
1800588 ./mnt/hgfs/Aspera/b3f4f3b5-bb22-457d-baa2-adda320a6ecb/PKG - MAM_VFX_136_100812/MAM_VFX_136_100812
[root@aspera /]# du --max-depth=1
42760076 ./mnt
212896 ./var
14024 ./sbin
660620 ./home
544 ./dev
130082 ./media
24748 ./lib64
7680 ./bin
16 ./lost+found
1977804 ./usr
14504 ./tmp
236256 ./lib
0 ./sys
48851 ./boot
34240 ./etc
432 ./root
655928 ./opt
4 ./selinux
4 ./srv
du: cannot access `./proc/40807/task/40807/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40807/task/40807/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40807/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access `./proc/40807/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
0 ./proc