I've a simple question, so here it is. I was wondering how to make a simple redirection, I've wamp installed on my computer and I wish I could do that: When I go to abc.com it redirect to xyz.com. I did this in the httpd.conf file .. But it isn't working

   <VirtualHost *:80 >

    ServerName abc.com
    Redirect permanent / http://www.xyz.com/


Thank you!

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1 Answers1


Enable loggin (CustomLog,ErrorLog) and provide that output information. I'm using same kind of redirect and it works for me no problem.

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  • Thank you for your answer, it seems to work, but only when I go to http://localhost/ . However, what I want is that when I go to abc.com it goes to xyz.com.. And I can't do that.. – user1719496 Oct 13 '12 at 05:54