Are there online resources or books that you would recommend as an introduction to PowerShell scripting? The resources I've found primarily focus on interactive use.

David Schmitt
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14 Answers14


Book-wise, I recommend both Windows PowerShell in Action by Bruce Payette and Windows PowerShell Cookbook by Lee Holmes. Payette's book is more of a deep dive into how PowerShell works, and the "Cookbook" is all about solving specific problems.

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I found this site:


which seems to have some good information (via the links on the right sidebar).

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I was going to say the PowerShell Guy. Cannot go wrong with a MVP.

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You might look at a couple of the free e-books available as well, such as the two listed below. Effective Windows Powershell and The eBooklet Series: An Introduction to Microsoft PowerShell


I liked these two books:

Also, check out these sites:

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I would recommend the following eBooks and eBooklets:

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PowerShellCommunity.org is a portal to all kinds of PowerShell resources.

John D. Cook
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You can get started now with a free eBook titled 'Mastering PowerShell'. The eBook was written by long time Windows PowerShell MVP Dr. Tobias Weltner and can be found on www.powershell.com in HTML or as a downloadable .pdf.

Look for an updated version of Mastering PowerShell on www.PowerShell.com very soon. The updated eBook will include Windows PowerShell v2 information and will be free to all members of www.powershell.com (membership to the community site is also free).


Take a look at www.powershell.com. They have a very good and a comprehensive free e-book called Master-Powershell

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Try the Scripting Guy http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/qanda/sept06/hey0926.mspx

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Ars technica has an introductory article from when Powershell was still in beta and called Monad. It covers most of the basics and was a good starting point for beginners.

I also found dzone's Powershell cheat sheet handy.

Luke Quinane
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I strongly recommend #powershell on the FreeNode IRC Network. Several of the MVPs are in regular attendance and questions tend to get quick and excellent answers that include not only how by why.

Kevin Colby
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The PowerScripting Podcast is pretty good; polished and listenable. I second PowerShell In Action, too. Great book.

We are starting a Script Club here, too - getting together and scripting with a bunch of other geeks is a great way to bounce ideas around and learn.

The BEST way to learn is to get your hands dirty. Pick a task and work through it, Googling as necessary. As new as PowerShell is, there are TONS of great blogs and resources out there.

Doug Chase
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It might be worth concentrating on Powershell 2.0 as it will be released soon.

The CTP is currently available, more information here.

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