Here is the problem I want to solve.

We have a mercurial source control server (Linux + Apache + mod_auth), that I want to configure so it works against LDAP (right now it's basic authorization on apache with passwords stored in .htpasswd files). I put developers in OU with name "Developers"


the problem is that we have various projects and some of them should restrict access only to certain developers. I can put a different OU inside developers, but I can't have the same user account to be present in multiple OUs. At the same time I don't like to have multiple accounts per user (harder to manage in future)

SO I'm thinking is it possible to authorize against OU and certain logical group?

Like I created OU "Developers" and then created several windows groups - like ProjectA, projectB, projectC and assign developers to those groups as well.

Is it possible to configure LDAP base dn, so it looks for group as well?

thanks, Dmitry

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1 Answers1


So, we've got users in an OU at OU=Developers,DC=us,DC=domain,DC=com, then certain locations need to have specific group memberships as well - something like CN=ProjectA,OU=Developers,DC=us,DC=domain,DC=com as a group.

Something along these lines should do the trick..

<Location />
    AuthType basic
    AuthName "user message on login"
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
    # This is your LDAP server configuration - if you can, use SSL (which requires
    # configuring either an LDAPTrustedGlobalCert or to set LDAPVerifyServerCert Off)
    # The search base DN is included here.
    AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://ldap-server.example.com:636/OU=Developers,DC=us,DC=domain,DC=com?cn"
    # This is the user account that will be used by Apache to bind to LDAP for auth checking.
    AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=ldapserviceaccount,OU=Developers,DC=us,DC=domain,DC=com"
    AuthLDAPBindPassword "passwordhere"
    # For just the / location, we'll force a valid login (any user account in the OU)
    Require valid-user
<Location /project-a>
    # And here we'll configure a specific group for this location
    Require ldap-group CN=ProjectA,OU=Developers,DC=us,DC=domain,DC=com
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