What does boostate and updated field mean in boot.cfg? I am trying to figure out the way to determine the bootbank from which ESXi will boot. I was thinking of relying on bootstate = 0 but found that both bootbanks can have bootstate of 0.
Viewed 1,493 times
May I ask why you're looking for this? – ewwhite Sep 24 '12 at 23:59
2 Answers
The bootstate value determines whether the bootbank is usable.
A value of: 0 indicates a functioning bootbank, 1 indicates a recently upgraded bootbank, 2 indicates a defective bootbank and 3 indicates a bootbank has been voluntarily marked as bad/invalid for the purposes of rollback -1 is an invalid boot.cfg

Stephen Costello
- 21
- 2
From this question the boot.cfg with the higher updated value is the primary bootbank. I'm not certain on the use of boot state.

Jeff Hengesbach
- 1,762
- 10
- 10