Given a ScreenOS 6.3.0 firewall with this configuration:
unset flow reverse-route clear-text
set interface "ethernet0/0" zone "Trust"
set interface ethernet0/0 ip
set interface ethernet0/2 ip
set interface ethernet0/2 mip host netmask vr trust-vr
set interface ethernet0/2 mip host netmask vr trust-vr
set route interface ethernet0/2 gateway
... (and assuming appropriate policies) is there a way to control which MIP the firewall selects for outbound connections initiated by (presumably because I want the upstream to do different things with the packet depending on what its source IP is).
Update: OK, my scenario is this: I have two ISP uplinks, each giving me a different IP space. Each ISP will only route the IP space they have assigned me.
So in order for the server to be reachable by both ISPs, I need two MIPs for the same server, one on each interface. Inbound traffic will work fine with the 'unset flow reverse-route clear-text' option in use.
But for outbound (think an email server sending a message) I need a way to select an appropriate MIP depending on which outbound link I want the system to use, and I want this to be resiliant so that if the link the firewall prefers goes down overnight I don't have to manually flip something to keep the mail flowing.
Basically I'm trying to avoid having to buy a link-balancer appliance (or two since I'll need a cluster).
Is there a way to do this?