Using HP SA (HP Server Automation) version 9 for automation and its Oracle database consumes inordinately large amounts of CPU resources. Anyone have a similar experience?
Viewed 662 times
1More info about sizing of your core/db (CPU,MEM. disk I/O) and how many servers you manage will help. – Fleole Nov 30 '12 at 17:15
1 Answers
As @Fleole commented, we need mroe information about what you are trying to do.
I've been working with HPSA for 8+ years now (since before HP bought Opsware), and Core/Mesh sizing has always been something along the lines of a black art, since you need to know at least the following:
- number of managed servers expected
- platform(s) to be managed
- typical workload(s) to be done
- OS provisioning
- patching / OS updates
- software deployments
- frequency of workloads
- and more
If you are using the Oracle provided with HPSA, then you likely have an undersized server running the Model Repository.
If you're running a single box Core (ie Model Repository, Infrastructure, Slice, & OS Prov all on one server), then identifying what is causing "inordinately large amounts of CPU resources" to be consumed (and defining what you mean by "inordinately large") is a time for deeper analysis.