I'm trying to have a setup where I want to run a squirrelmail and Passenger on the same apache server, having a url point to squirrelmail and everything else handled by passenger. I've gotten so far that both squirrelmail and passenger will run fine by themselves but when passenger is running it handles all urls.
So far I've tried using Alias and Redirect to point a webmail/ url to squirrelmails directory but that does not work.
Here is my httpd.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName not.my.real.server.name
DocumentRoot /var/www/sinatra/public
# Does not work:
#Redirect webmail/ /usr/share/squirrelmail/
#<Directory /usr/share/squirrelmail>
# Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/sinatra/public>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
apache2.conf has these files added for passenger, other than this I have not made any changes from the standard Ubuntu Server 12.04 installation of apache:
# passenger config
LoadModule passenger_module /home/kenneth/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/passenger-3.0.15/ext/apache2/mod_passenger.so
PassengerRoot /home/kenneth/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/passenger-3.0.15
PassengerRuby /home/kenneth/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p194/ruby
The passanger config.ru file:
require './index'
run Sinatra::Application