I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 on a Dell R410. A QNAP NAS is connected to it via gigabit crossover. A 2.6 TB LUN is mounted via iSCSI as Volume Z:.

A task should create Shadow Copies three times a day (08:00, 12:00 and 16:00).

For every task I got a VSS Error 7001 (Unable to create a shadow copy) in the Event Viewer, however the Shadow Copies got created and work perfectly fine.

The Error says the selected Volume was not found or is not a local Volume but the Shadow Copy Storage Area is located at the local System Partition.

What should I do? Just ignore these error messages?

Error Message VSS copies

Appendix 04.09.2012:

I got new problems that maybe are associated with the VSS Error 7001. The Shadow Copys wont be displayed in the file/folder properties dialog on both, client and server side. In the disc properties on the server i can still see the Shadow Copys. Any advice? I dont want to loose VSS functionality.

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1 Answers1


I wouldn't jump to ignoring them right away, but erroneous error messages happen from time to time.

First of all, pardon me, but my German... or Dutch... well, my not-English sucks, but in that error message, it looks like there's a retry on the VSS creation. Is it possible that the Shadow Copies are initially failing to be created, but are successfully occurring after a retry? Look for subsequent informational-level messages in the Event Log that might indicate success.

If there aren't any, and you can't track down why you're getting these errors, I'd do a restore-test, to make sure those Shadow Copies are actually valid and contain your data, and if they do, well, yeah, maybe ignoring the errors is the most efficient use of your time.

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  • There is no retry. The next info-level event is `VSS Error 8224` (The VSS service is shutting down due to idle timeout.) about 3 and a half minuts later. The Shadow Copie was definitely created by the task that finished with the `VSS Error 7001`. I already did a restore test, it works like a charm ;) – hub Aug 27 '12 at 17:29
  • I got rid of the `VSS Error 7001` by manually deleting the corresponding task in the task sheduler and recreating the `VSS` settings in the properties of the drive. Unfortunately I still got the problems described above: The Shadow Copys still wont be displayed in the file/folder properties dialog on both, client and server side. In the disc properties on the server i can still see the Shadow Copys. – hub Sep 06 '12 at 20:29
  • The Shadow Copys on client and server side showed up again after rebooting the server, everything works smoothly now... – hub Sep 11 '12 at 21:25