I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy with HTTP auth that proxies MongoDB's REST interface. So far, I've got this:
server {
listen 80;
server_name tld.example.com;
charset utf-8;
access_log /home/jill/logs/nginx.access.log main;
# Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS URL
rewrite ^(.*) https://tld.example.com$1 permanent;
server {
listen 443;
server_name tld.example.com;
ssl on;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 SSLv3;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!ADH:!MD5:@STRENGTH;
ssl_session_cache shared:TLSSL:16m;
ssl_session_timeout 10m;
ssl_certificate /path/to/cert/tld.example.com.bundle.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/cert/tld.example.com.key;
gzip on;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_comp_level 6;
keepalive_timeout 300;
keepalive_requests 500;
location / {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;
proxy_connect_timeout 90;
proxy_send_timeout 90;
proxy_read_timeout 90;
proxy_buffer_size 4k;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 64k;
proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;
add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
auth_basic "Restricted area";
auth_basic_user_file /path/to/password/file;
This doesn't work (obviously), and results in a gateway timeout. I can otherwise access the REST interface locally from within the server with curl localhost:28017
and similar.
What am I doing wrong?